Transitioning from ELHILL to PubMed NLM Classification, 5th Edition, Additions and Changes, List 2 [corrected 1998/03/26] |
Welcoming in the Technical Bulletin on the WebAlong with the New Year, NLM welcomes in its new electronic NLM Technical Bulletin. We hope that you will continue to read the articles and give us your feedback on our new look and feel as we enter the era of Web-based electronic information. The Technical Bulletin on the WebThe Technical Bulletin will now be published electronically in HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) format via the NLM Web site,, beginning with the next issue, January-February 1998. The November-December 1997 issue is the last issue to be printed on paper and mailed to readers. The name of the publication will not be changing and the issue numbers will continue sequentially without interruption. However, articles will now be numbered rather than having page numbers and they will have an electronic indicator "e" before the article number. For example, the first article in each online issue will be e1 and the second article will be e2. Finding the Technical Bulletin on the WebFrom the NLM Web site, under the heading Our Publications; click on More Publications; click on NLM Technical Bulletin. You can then bookmark the URL for quick and easy future use. The specific URL address for the electronic Technical Bulletin is: You will still be able to download older issues of the Technical Bulletin in PDF (portable format document) and PostScript format. Advantages of the Technical Bulletin on the Web
Getting Around in the Web-based Technical BulletinBecause each article will be in HTML format rather than a PDF or PostScript file you will be able to print a selected article right from your browser rather than downloading the entire issue. Reminder: The Technical Bulletin is not copyrighted and is freely reproducible. All articles and Technical Notes published within the two-month time frame of an issue will then be compiled into one bimonthly issue and assigned an issue number. Completed issues will be easily distinguished by a dark icon. An issue that is in progress will be marked by a grayed-out icon. Please note that beginning in 1998, new issues will no longer be available in the PostScript or Acrobat® PDF formats. However, the May-June 1993 through November-December 1997 issues, originally printed on paper, will continue to be available as downloadable PostScript and PDF files. Alternatives to the Technical Bulletin on the WebFor users who do not yet have Web access, the following alternative methods of disseminating information will be available:
If you do not have Web access contact your RML. NLM and the RMLs are developing plans to assist all NN/LM hospital library members to obtain Web access. The End of an EraThis is the final printed issue of the National Library of Medicine's Technical Bulletin. After 28 years the editorial staff has put the printed version to bed for the last time. The library has seen much growth and many changes over the years. The first issue of the Technical Bulletin stated that the publication was "Established for the following purposes:
The overall purpose of the Technical Bulletin hasn't changed drastically, although the audience for this information has expanded tremendously since the earliest issues of this publication. And now the means of distributing this information is being updated to take advantage of the amazing changes in technology that have emerged in just the last few years. NLM will continue to keep its users informed of searching and system changes that will be happening in the future. The Name GameThe name of the Technical Bulletin has been changed several times since it was first published. As a monthly publication, in May 1969 it was titled MEDLARS/Network Technical Bulletin. In April 1977 the Library Network/MEDLARS Technical Bulletin and the TOXLINE Technical Bulletin merged to become the NLM Technical Bulletin. Milestones During the Life of the Printed Technical Bulletin
Cumulative IndexThe Technical Bulletin cumulative index will also be available electronically on this Web site. The index covers 1979 to 1994. Future indexes will includes links to the cited HTML-formatted article if it was published in January-February 1997 or later. Indexes for 1995-1997 are not yet available. However, an e-mail link will be available from the Index page so that you may send a message if you are trying to locate a subject and it cannot be found in 1979 to 1994. NLM staff will respond to these messages. We would like to thank all of the editors of the Technical Bulletin, past and present, and all contributing authors who have made the Technical Bulletin a useful tool for MEDLARS searchers.
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