Transitioning from ELHILL to PubMed NLM Classification, 5th Edition, Additions and Changes, List 2 [corrected 1998/03/26]
Technical NotesPubMed EnhancementsOver the last few months, there have been many changes to the appearance of the formats for retrieved citations in PubMed. These changes were made in response to and in anticipation of the requests and needs of librarians and other experienced information specialists. The document summary page (the brief format displayed when you first retrieve your citations) has been enhanced with the following features:
[Editor's Note: For more information on PubMed searching, see the article on page 5 of this issue.] New NLM Web Site for Cataloging SectionThe Cataloging Section announces the arrival of the NLM Cataloging Section Web site: [corrected 1/23/1998] This site became available in late November. You may link to it from the NLM Web site ( by clicking on Services for Libraries (under Special Information Programs) and then click on Cataloging. This online tool offers users practical information about NLM cataloging policies and practices for monographs, serials, audiovisuals and electronic resources. The documentation of NLM classification practices is a key feature of this site. The Cataloging Section hopes that this Web site will be a useful information source and would appreciate users' feedback on its content. Instructions for submitting questions and comments are included at the Web site. SI Field in GENBANK - ClarificationThe Technical Note on page 3 of the September-October 1997 Technical Bulletin announced a change in format to the Secondary Source Identifier (SI) Field in GenBank records from six characters to eight characters as of spring 1997. This should have stated that new records coming into the database as of spring 1997 will contain an eight character value in the SI field. Older records will retain their original six character value. |
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