钩虫卵怎样到土壤上去变成幼虫 (How the hookworm eggs become little hookworms in the soil), 1957
钩虫卵怎样到土壤上去变成幼虫 (How the hookworm eggs become little hookworms in the soil), Zhejiang Science and Technology Popularization Association, by Guolin Zhang (章国霖) and Zidou Wang (汪子豆), 1957
Hookworm is a parasite that can infect the body. This poster shows how hookworm can spread by farmers fertilizing the land with raw compost infected with hookworm eggs, infected humans and farm animals defecating in the land, and the eggs hatching into larvae.
About the Book

Hookworm is a parasite that can infect the body. This 1957 poster series produced by the Zhejiang Science and Technology Popularization Association and drawn by Guolin Zhang (章国霖) and Zidou Wang (汪子豆) shows the many ways hookworm can infect humans, the symptoms of hookworm infection, and methods of prevention and treatment.