預防瘧疾與血絲蟲病 (To prevent malaria and elephantiasis), ca. 1954
預防瘧疾與血絲蟲病 (To prevent malaria and elephantiasis), Ministry of Health, Propaganda Office, and Health Educational Equipment Manufacturing, ca. 1954
Mosquitoes spread diseases like malaria and elephantiasis. This poster illustrates some prevention and mosquito control methods which can be done by farmers and other rural Chinese citizens, such as filling up water puddles to prevent mosquitoes growing and spraying pesticides. Illustrations of mosquitoes and the parasites they carry are shown.
About the Book

This two-poster series created by the Propaganda Office of the Ministry of Health, ca. 1954, educates Chinese citizens on the spread of Schistosomiasis from freshwater snails and malaria and elephantiasis from mosquitoes