Year-End Processing - e2 Farewell to Gratefully Yours - e4 The Year-2000 Solution for ELHILL and the MEDLARS Databases - e5 AVLINE® and CATLINE® Data to be Removed from Other NLM Databases [corrected 1999/02/09] - e7 MeSH on the Web - e8 List of MeSH Heading Pre-explosions List of Subheading Pre-explosions MEDLINE - 1999 Weekly Update Schedule on ELHILL AIDSLINE - 1999 Weekly Update Schedule on ELHILL HealthSTAR - 1999 Weekly Update Schedule on ELHILL NLM Databases - 1999 Monthly Update Schedule on ELHILL 1999 NLM Pricing Algorithm Chart - [This link was removed because it is no longer valid.] |
Technical Notes
Reminder: CANCERLIT® and PDQ® To Be Removed from the NLM DatabasesAs first announced in the July-August 1998 NLM Technical Bulletin article, CANCERLIT® and PDQ® To Be Removed from the NLM Databases - Available from NCI's Web Site, effective December 14, 1998 direct MEDLARS access to CANCERLIT and PDQ will no longer be available. PDQ information and the CANCERLIT database are available on the NCI's CancerNet (TM) Web site Closed clinical trials are not available on the Web version of PDQ. Users who have an infrequent need for the closed trials data have two options. Health professionals may call the PDQ/CANCERLIT Service Center (800-345-3300) to have a search run in the Closed Trials file. Patients may call the Cancer Information Service (800-4-CANCER) to have a search run in the Closed Trials file. If you have an ongoing need for access to this data, it is available through the NCI Information Associates Program ( and the Office of Cancer Information, Communication and Education (OCICE) licensing partners ( Searchers do not need to wait until December to acquaint themselves with the search features that CancerNet offers for these databases or to find alternative access methods. You can visit the CancerNet Web site now. For more information on how to search PDQ or CANCERLIT, call the NCI's PDQ/CANCERLIT Service Center (1-800-345-3300, fax to 1-800-380-1575 or e-mail to Subscribe to New Web Pages Mailing ListTake advantage of NLM's e-mail service that messages you when new or updated Web pages are available on the NLM Web site ( and NLM Anonymous FTP server ( The weekly messages contain automatically generated lists of new and updated pages with their titles and URLs. This service is a great way to keep up-to-date and you will be alerted when the NLM Technical Bulletin has been updated. If you would like to subscribe to this service, instructions may be found at: 1999 LSIOU and MeSH® Tools - Ordering and Pricing InformationThe 1999 List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU), Medical Subject Headings - Annotated Alphabetic List, 1999, Medical Subject Headings - Tree Structures, 1999, and Permuted Medical Subject Headings, 1999 may now be ordered from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Questions concerning orders may be directed to NTIS at 800-423-9255. Callers from outside the U.S. or Canada may reach NTIS at 703-487-4650. Questions about standing orders should be directed to the NTIS Subscription Section at 703-487-4630. Order and pricing information for these publications can be found on NLM's Web site at: [Link no longer available as of June 4, 2018.]. To see the listings for the MeSH tools click on the letter M and scroll down. MeSH® in USMARC Format Available To DownloadThe 1999 MeSH in MARC format is now available for downloading from the following URL:
Pre-explosion tables for 1999For your convenience a complete list of the 1999 MeSH Heading Pre-explosions may be found in Appendix A and the families of 1999 Subheading Pre-explosions and their short forms in Appendix B. These listings may also be found in the introductory pages of the printed Medical Subject Headings - Annotated Alphabetic List, 1999. Revised NLM Pricing InformationThe 1999 NLM Online Pricing Algorithm is included as Appendix G of this issue. It is effective January 1, 1999. An updated MEDLARS Pricing Schedule is included as Appendix H of this issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin. It is effective January 1, 1999. OLDMEDLINE Expands Years of CoverageOn November 14, 1998 OLDMEDLINE went from a two-year file to a six-year file. Prior to this change, OLDMEDLINE covered citations from the 1964 and 1965 Cumulated Index Medicus (CIM). With this expansion, the file contains 771,287 citations indexed for CIM between 1960 and 1965. OLDMEDLINE is currently Web-accessible through Internet Grateful Med ( and it is also available as an ELHILL file. A detailed article will appear in the November-December 1998 NLM Technical Bulletin. |
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