YEP of Stored and Saved Searches and Automatic SDI's
Rebuilding of CATLINE®/ AVLINE® MEDLINE - 1998 Weekly Update Schedule AIDSLINE - 1998 Weekly Update Schedule HealthSTAR - 1998 Weekly Update Schedule NLM Databases - 1998 Monthly Update Schedule [This link has been removed because it is no longer valid] 1998 NLM Pricing Algorithm Chart |
CHEMLINE® and TOXLIT® RetireAs part of NLM's efforts to simplify access to online information and reduce expenses to users, the CHEMLINE and TOXLIT/TOXLIT65 files will no longer be available from NLM after January 1, 1998. With the advent of free World Wide Web access to MEDLINE and other NLM files through PubMed and IGM, and upcoming changes in accessing the Toxicology and Environmental Information Health Program files as well, it will no longer be practical to support royalty files as part of MEDLARS. Since they were first established in the early days of the Toxicology Information Program (now TEHIP, the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program), both the CHEMLINE and the TOXLIT files have provided an important resource to MEDLARS users. These files continue to offer excellent data; however, in recent years, their usage has decreased considerably at NLM, and the data they carry is now readily available to users on other online systems. Ms. Jan Williams of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), the producer of CHEMLINE and TOXLIT data, may be reached at 1-800-848-6538 ext. 3868 or at for information about alternative sources of the data. As we make this transition in the resources and services offered to our users, TEHIP will concentrate on enhancements such as the restructuring of existing files, and improvements in interfaces for accessing and navigating the various components of the toxicology information resources. NLM's ChemID chemical dictionary file and the TOXLINE/TOXLINE65 citation files will still provide coverage of the toxicology and environmental health literature and data without royalties. ChemID already includes all the substances in CHEMLINE except those only cited in TOXLIT/TOXLIT65. TOXLINE already covers many of the citations available in TOXLIT, and efforts will be undertaken to explore options for expanding other resources to include additional citations. Look for news on the TEHIP Web site, accessible from the NLM Web site at or at for new developments concerning the NLM's toxicology information resources.