In This Issue:
Technical Notes - e1
PubMed: Truncation, Automatic Explosion, Mapping, and MeSH Headings - e2
MLA 1998 [corrected 1998/07/14] - e3
BIOETHICSLINE Regenerated - e4
Current Issue
Back Issues
MLA 1998
- MEDLARS Online Users' Meeting - Remarks
- MEDLARS Questions and Answers
DOCLINE Users' Meeting - Remarks
- DOCLINE Questions and Answers [corrected 1998/07/14]
DOCLINE, Loansome Doc, and Relais...What Next?
At the Medical Library Association, Annual Conference, a Sunrise Seminar was held on
Tuesday, May 26, 1998. The discussion included DOCLINE and Loansome Doc system
enhancements, the Relais implementation at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), and the
next generation of DOCLINE, DOCUSER, and SERHOLD. A summary of the discussion
DOCLINE - System Enhancements
In the LEND module, the phrase "Not Available" displayed for Options 5 and 6, was changed to
"Future Option." In February 1998, the DOCLINE manual was updated with the system
enhancements implemented in February 1997. The updated manual is only available through the
Web. Future documentation will be updated only through the web version of the manual. The
URL for the DOCLINE manual is
Loansome Doc - System Enhancements
Several system improvements were completed for Loansome Doc. In January 1998, the ordering
feature was added to PubMed. In April 1998, the following system enhancements were
- The Loansome Doc feature was added to the side menu bar of the PubMed web site.
- A Loansome Doc Home Page was established where users may learn about registering,
retrieve status of orders, and update user information.
- The Loansome Doc Registration Information Page was redesigned so that users read the
registration information prior to registering. In addition, separate registration pages were
designed for three user groups: U.S.A., Canada, and Other countries. The registration
page for "Other countries" contains a hot link to a list of U.S. libraries that are willing to
serve international users. NLM is gathering information from international libraries that
are willing to serve international users. This will be a web site that is created and
maintained by NLM. International Loansome Doc users will be able to link to the web
site from the "Other countries" registration information page.
- The Loansome Doc Registration Page was reformatted into the following four separate
sections: Identification Information (Ordering Library ID, first and last names), Address
Information (accommodates both domestic and international addresses), Delivery
Information, and Login Information.
- The Loansome Doc Copyright Notice is displayed as a separate page after the user clicks
the "Order" button. The user reads the copyright notice and clicks either the "Accept" or
"Decline" button. Then a list of documents to be ordered is displayed for the user to
review and/or modify before sending the order.
DOCLINE - The Next Generation
NLM plans to redesign the DOCLINE system. NLM staff is currently discussing the
specifications for the new system. These specifications represent our vision of the new system.
No programming has begun, and these plans may change over the course of the year. The plan
is to move the DOCLINE system from the mainframe to a new systems environment. NLM
plans to retain current functionality, and add a limited number of new features. The new
DOCLINE will be available only through the Internet with a web interface. NLM plans to
implement the ISO ILL Protocol (10160 & 10161). Specifically, NLM will implement the ILL
Protocol messages to allow users to send a request and respond to a request.
The new DOCLINE system will allow users to retrieve bibliographic citations from PubMed,
Internet Grateful Med (IGM), and NLM's Integrated Library System, Voyager. The target date for
the new DOCLINE system is Summer, 1999.
NLM plans to eliminate mailing the DOCLINE statistical reports. NLM will continue to provide the data to
users through an administrative function. The data could then be downloaded by the user.
Loansome Doc users will continue to search and retrieve citations through PubMed and IGM.
They will place Loansome Doc orders that will be forwarded to their ordering library. They will
have three administrative functions: registration, check status of orders, and updated user
registration page. Loansome Doc users will not have access to DOCLINE.
DOCLINE Functions
In BORROW, users will continue to transfer Loansome Doc requests into DOCLINE, create
requests to borrow journal articles, monographs, audiovisuals, and non-SERLINE titles. Also,
users will be able to enter the bibliographic data for items that cannot be retrieved from any
NLM systems. A new feature of the system will be a user profile that will be maintained for
each user. This will eliminate repetitive keying for selected data fields (e.g., type of request
[journal, monograph, audiovisual], form [copy, original], delivery method, comments, maxcost,
and patron's name). NLM plans to retain the last data input in selected fields when the user logs
off DOCLINE. Thus, at the next logon, the last data input will reappear so users will only need
to change data in a few fields.
When NLM implements the ISO ILL protocol, it will eliminate the need for users to logoff one
system and logon to another system to initiate a request. A DOCLINE participant may be
logged onto a bibliographic utility or vendor system and decide that a request should go through
their DOCLINE routing table. The user can specify that the request is to be sent to NLM for
processing. The request will be sent through the Internet to NLM. NLM will authenticate that
the user is a DOCLINE participant. The request will be added to the DOCLINE system and
routed on the user's routing table. In addition, the ISO ILL protocol will allow a DOCLINE
participant, logged onto DOCLINE, to send a request to a bibliographic utility or vendor system
that has implemented the protocol in lieu of routing the request on its routing table. In this case,
the user will specify the bibliographic utility or vendor system and NLM will send the request
through the Internet without the user logging off of DOCLINE.
The remaining DOCLINE functions (receipt, lend, status, and cancel) will be available in the
new system. NLM is discussing how these functions will be implemented.
NLM plans to cease mailing the paper copy of Statistical Reports after the new system is fully
implemented. The data will be available for each library. At this time, NLM has not identified
how the data will be displayed or retrieved.
Jay Daly plans QuickDoc to interface with the new DOCLINE system. He plans to use the ISO
ILL protocol.
DOCUSER / SERHOLD - The Next Generation
The new DOCLINE system will include the holdings information from SERHOLD and the
institutional information (name, address, phone numbers, ILL policy, etc.) from DOCUSER.
Access to the information will be through a web interface. Institutional information will be
available to DOCLINE participants as well as the general public.
A new feature of DOCLINE will be administrative functions that will be available to users and
the regional DOCLINE Coordinators. Users will be able to maintain their own institutional
record, SERHOLD holdings data online, and using the administrative page, search for
information on their Loansome Doc patrons. The regional DOCLINE Coordinators will be able
to create and maintain institutional records. NLM is evaluating other possible administrative
functions for users such as updating routing table changes online that would be forwarded to the
regional DOCLINE Coordinator for review and approval. The regional DOCLINE Coordinator
would approve the routing table and it would be updated in the system immediately.
Holdings data will be update online through a web interface. Each library will be able to
maintain current holdings information for DOCLINE routing. All libraries will be encouraged to
maintain their own holdings through online updating. SERHOLD data will be maintained in
USMARC format.
NLM is developing plans for accepting an initial batch input from new SERHOLD libraries with
significant holdings. Thereafter, these libraries are encouraged to maintain holdings online. In
addition, NLM is developing plans for accepting an annual batch update from users who cannot
switch to online and new members of a consortium which currently contributes batch data.
Testing of the new SERHOLD system will begin by the end of first quarter of calendar year
1999. Implementation will occur during the second quarter of calendar year 1999.
The last batch update submission for 1999 (the current system) will be February 1999. The first
batch submission for the new system will be scheduled for the year 2000.
Relais was fully implemented at NLM in May 1998. A short video was shown that described the
document delivery process at NLM prior to the implementation of Relais and the benefits of
Relais as it is implemented. NLM will be sending copies of the video entitled "Relais: A
Document Delivery Solution at the National Library of Medicine - 1998" to the Regional
Medical Libraries. Libraries may borrow a copy of the video through the RML.
- --prepared by Rosalyn Leiderman
- Public Services Division
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