Now Available LocatorPlus Tutorial! - e2 New MeSH Browser Available on the Web - e3 NLM Discontinues Direct Access to ELHILL and TOXNET Command/Menu Systems on September 30, 1999 - e4 Citing Articles in Journals Published in Print and on the Web - e5 Hands On - e6 |
Technical Notes
Lederberg Materials Added to Profiles in Science Web SiteThe NLM Profiles in Science Web site ( has recently added the first installment of the papers of Nobel prize winner, Dr. Joshua Lederberg to the site. Dr. Lederberg's online papers include: laboratory notebooks, manuscripts, personal correspondence with other scientists, diary entries, newspaper clippings, video interviews, and several photographs. As the Joshua Lederberg Papers continue to be digitized, they will be added to this Web site and made available to the public. The Library launched the Profiles in Science Web site in September 1998. Dr. Lederberg's papers join the Oswald T. Avery Collection also available at this site. More materials will be added to the Avery collection as they become available. Profiles in Science is a continuing project and the Library plans to announce each new collection as it is added to the site. TOXLINE Files Rebuilt to Include 1999 MeSHThe BIOSIS and TOXBIB subfiles in TOXLINE, rebuilt in March 1999, now contain 1999 MeSH headings. During the rebuilding of TOXLINE, the TSCATS and RISKLINE subfiles were also replaced. TOXLINE and TOXLINE65 were reconfigured for the years of coverage. The April 1999 update, following the regeneration, will include data from the CRISP 1998 subfile as well as data intended for the TOXLINE updates for February, March and April. TOXLINE now includes 1,591,269 records with a 1985 publication date forward. TOXLINE65 contains 1,064,857 records published prior to 1985.
MeSH Guidelines for Medical Catalogers Available on the WebA new document titled, Application of MeSH for Medical Catalogers, describing changes in NLM cataloging practices has just been made available on the Web at This document details cataloging changes that resulted from NLM's implementation of Endeavor Information Systems' Voyager as its new Integrated Library System (ILS); LocatorPlus is the Online Public Access Catalog module of the ILS. With 1999 MeSH and the implementation of the Voyager Integrated Library System, the Cataloging Section moved to harmonize its practices for subject heading content and structure with NLM's indexing practices. These changes are intended to facilitate cross-file searching and enhance retrieval by assuring that the same terms produce like results for articles, books, non-print materials, electronic resources, etc. The instructions on this Web page provide guidance to medical catalogers for understanding the changes to subject headings in LocatorPlus and distributed records, and for constructing like headings for materials cataloged at their own institutions. These instructions apply only to Medical Subject Headings -- Annotated Alphabetic List, 1999. The Annotated Alphabetic List, 2000 will have instructions for medical catalogers that reflect changes in that edition. 1999 Medical Library Association (MLA) Meeting Update
Carol Clausen from NLM's History of Medicine Division will present a poster session titled: "That Girl There Is Doctor in Medicine: Elizabeth Blackwell, America's First Woman M.D." on Monday, May 17, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Joyce Backus from NLM's Public Services Division will be part of the "Research Process Panel: Expert Advice to Make the Research Process Less Tense" to be held Monday, May 17, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. She will discuss "Presenting Your Data" as part of this panel. The room location is not known at this time. Check your MLA Meeting Program for more information on the location.
Karen Hajarian from NLM's Bibliographic Services Division and a representative from NLM's National Network Office will be attending the business meeting of MLA's Consumer and Patient Health Information Section on Sunday, May 16, 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. They will be there to receive feedback and share ideas on NLM's Consumer Health outreach programs, including MEDLINEplus. The room location is not known at this time. Check your MLA Meeting Program for more information on the location. For more information about previously announced NLM presentations during the MLA 1999 annual meeting, see the January-February Technical Notes. |