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PubMed's Citation Matcher
Using the PubMed Citation Matcher Initially, the National Center for Biotechnology Information developed the Citation Matcher as a retrieval tool to allow publishers to find the PubMed ID or the MEDLINE® UI of a citation without having to use (or know) PubMed's search and syntax rules. Publishers could then establish links from their Web sites to the citation in PubMed using the ID or UI. Effective January 26, 1998 with the PubMed 2.0 system update, the once well-hidden Citation Matcher was elevated from the Overview section to a more prominent link on the Home page grey sidebar. Note: For a complete listing of PubMed 2.0's new features and enhancements (e.g., MeSH Browser, Loansome Doc, new search fields), click on the New/Noteworthy link on the PubMed Home page sidebar.
What's the Advantage of Using the Citation Matcher? PubMed includes all of MEDLINE (1966 to present) and PREMEDLINE in a single file. Compare this to ELHILL with its segmented file structure, where the search for a specific citation (depending on the information provided by the patron ) may require searching in one or more of the Backfiles or PREMEDLINE in addition to the current MEDLINE file. PubMed allows you to search directly for the first page number, volume, and issue. Using the fill-in-the-blanks search screen shown in Figure 1, means you don't need to remember the field qualifiers for these data elements and you don't have to know any special search commands to run your search. Compare this to ELHILL, where because the Pagination (PG), Volume Issue (VI), and Issue/Part/Supplement (IP) fields are not directly searchable, the proximity operator CONTAINS must be used when constructing a search strategy with these elements. (The CONTAINS command may be used in place of the STRINGSEARCH (TS) function on ELHILL.)
How to use the Citation Matcher Figure 1 - Citation Matcher![]() Figure 2 - Citation Matcher Results![]() In the Citation Matcher, it is not required to enter data in every field (box). The Citation Matcher will combine (AND) together all the data entered using PubMed's search and syntax rules and run the search strategy shown in Figure 3. You may see this strategy displayed by clicking on the Details button from the initial citation display (Document Summary Page). The Details button is visible in the PubMed search screen shown in Figure 2. The more fields (boxes) that are completed, the greater the likelihood of a single match, especially if the first page number is included. However, if no match is found try omitting various pieces of information one at a time because one piece may be incorrect and, therefore, preventing the match. Figure 3 - Search Strategy as shown in the Details Screen![]() To compare, Figure 4 shows a sample ELHILL search strategy to find the same citation that is searched for in Figure 1 in the PubMed Citation Matcher. Figure 4 - Searching for the Citation in ELHILLYOU ARE NOW CONNECTED TO THE MEDLINE (1995 - 98) FILE. SS 1 /C? USER: j clin microbiol (ta) contains 604 (pg) PROG: *NONE- You now have to guess at what file to try, PREMEDLINE or a Backfile? SS 1 /C? USER: file premed PROG: YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED TO THE PREMEDLINE FILE. NOTICE: THESE PRELIMINARY, UNINDEXED CITATIONS HAVE NOT GONE THROUGH NLM'S QUALITY CONTROL PROCESS. SS 1 /C? USER: j clin microbiol (ta) contains 604 (pg) PROG: SS (1) PSTG (1) SS 2 /C? USER: prt PROG: 1 UI - 98126266 AU - Kearns AM AU - Freeman R AU - Steward M TI - Evaluation of a rapid air thermal cycler for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis [letter] [In Process Citation] SO - J Clin Microbiol 1998 Feb;36(2):604-5
Additional Advantages to using the Citation Matcher Figure 5 - Finding all Citations from a Single Issue![]() Figure 5A - Full Journal Title Translated to Title Abbreviation as shown in Details Box![]() Figure 6 - ELHILL Search Strategy to Find All Citation From a Single Issue Using Contains OperatorSS 1 /C? USER: n engl j med (ta) PROG: SS (1) PSTG (4285) SS 2 /C? USER: 1 contains 335 (vi) PROG: NOTE: YOUR PROXIMITY SEARCH OF 4,285 RECORDS MAY CAUSE MANY TIME OVERFLOWS. TIME OVFLW: CONT? (Y/N) USER: y PROG: SS (2) PSTG (647) SS 3 /C? USER: 2 contains 26 (ip) PROG: SS (3) PSTG (27) SS 4 /C? USER: prt PROG: 1 UI - 97115916 AU - Brennan TA AU - Sox CM AU - Burstin HR TI - Relation between negligent adverse events and the outcomes of medical-malpractice litigation [see comments] CM - Comment in: N Engl J Med 1997 Jun 5;336(23):1680; discussion 1680-1 SO - N Engl J Med 1996 Dec 26;335(26):1963-7 Note: Please be aware of these important factors about a PubMed MEDLINE search for the contents of a particular journal issue: