NLM Classification, 5th Edition Additions and Changes List 4 - e2 PubMed: Searching Using Subsets - e3 OLDMEDLINE Database Moves Back in Time - e4 MEDLINEplus - e6 |
Technical Notes
AIDSLINE Satellite TeleconferenceThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Library of Medicine, and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine have partnered to address the issues of awareness of electronic information and Internet connections for public health workers. This partnership will produce a teleconference "Accessing HIV/AIDS Information Resources" (A Public Health Training Network Satellite Broadcast) on Thursday, February 11, 1999, 1:00 - 3:00 ET. This live, interactive satellite broadcast will provide an overview of HIV/AIDS-related resources that are currently available electronically. For more information on the program content, how to view the program, and to register for it, go to NLM's Specialized Information Services Home Page ( and click on HIV/AIDS Information in the sidebar and then click on News [This link was removed because it is no longer valid.]. List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU), 1999 Order InformationOrdering and pricing information for the 1999 List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU) is now available. In addition, the LSIOU may be downloaded, free of charge, from the NLM Web site at the following address: The printed publication may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Questions concerning orders may be directed to NTIS at 800-423-9255. Callers from outside the U.S. or Canada may reach NTIS at 703-487-4650. Questions about standing orders should be directed to the NTIS subscription Section at 703-487-4630.
Orders may be placed in the following ways:
If you are concerned about Internet security, you may register your credit card at NTIS by calling 703-487-4682. If you need a paper form to place your order, you may download an order form in pdf format from or you may call NTIS at 800-423-9255 to have a form mailed to you. Cumulated Index Medicus, 1998 Order InformationThe 1998 Cumulated Index Medicus, Volume 39, is now available for purchase. This title is a cumulation of the citations appearing in Index Medicus for 1998. Included are Author and Subject sections, Medical Subject Headings, List of Journals Indexed, and Bibliography of Medical Reviews.
Orders may be placed in the following ways: Mail: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 Phone: (Deposit Account, Discover Card, VISA, or MasterCard only) (202) 512-1800 Fax: (Deposit Account, VISA, MasterCard, or Federal Government Purchase Order) (202) 512-2250 Web Site: Superintendent of Documents Order Form: (This link has been removed because it is no longer valid - April 12, 2005.) Updated PubMed and Internet Grateful Med Training Manuals AvailableThe January 1999 edition of the updated PubMed and Internet Grateful Med (IGM) training manuals are now available for downloading from the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Web site. Some new material has been introduced and there has been some minor reorganization within the workbook. The workbooks, used in the two NLM/National Online Training Center PubMed/IGM classes (2-day Introduction class and the 1-day Transition class), are available in three formats: PDF, WordPerfect, and PostScript. Because of a computer program incompatibility, some of the graphics in the PDF files are slightly out of focus. This problem is being resolved but will require additional staff time. Stay tuned. These workbooks are not copyrighted. Feel free to use any part of the workbooks -- you may customize parts for training programs, demos, or workshops you conduct. Or you may use the workbooks as a self-training guide if you can't get to a class or your scheduled class is several months away. The workbooks are found at: Also, look at PubMed's online Help/FAQ located in the sidebar of PubMed's homepage. Both can also serve as excellent training tools. Correction to the September-October 1998 NLM Technical Bulletin titled AVLINE® and CATLINE® Data To Be Removed from Other NLM DatabasesThe article titled AVLINE and CATLINE Data To Be Removed from Other NLM Databases ( as published in the September-October 1998 NLM Technical Bulletin contained the following omission: The last sentence in the HealthSTAR paragraph stated: Monograph data from sources other than CATLINE, identified by the values HTM and HTA in the Secondary Source Identifier (SI) field, will still be present in HealthSTAR. It should read: Monograph data from sources other than CATLINE, identified by the values HTM, HTA, and HTX in the Secondary Source Identifier (SI) field, will still be present in HealthSTAR. This correction has already been made to this article on the Web. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Available from NLM Home PageIf you go to NLM's home page ( and click on Contact NLM in the oval button at the top of the page, you will go to the Contact NLM Customer Service page ( This page, in addition to providing address, phone and e-mail contact points, also has links to other NLM sites that might be useful in answering your question. These sites include: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (; NLM Fact Sheets (; and NLM Publications (, among others. Please note that there are two PubMed FAQs listings on NLM's Web pages. A detailed PubMed FAQs section is available at (or click on FAQs from the PubMed home page sidebar). A different and much briefer PubMed FAQs is available within the general FAQs from the Customer Service page at The Web sites listed with their links on the Contact NLM Customer Service page are also available from other places on the NLM home page, but this page provides easy and convenient access to all of them when you have a question ready to send on to NLM. If you have any comments or suggestions about the Contact NLM Customer Service page, you may use the e-mail form on that page to send your questions/comments, or you may write NLM directly at 1999 MLA Meeting Reminder and NLM InvitationThe 99th Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA) will be held May 14-19, 1999 in Chicago. Attendees are invited to come to the NLM booth located at Island D in the exhibit hall to visit with NLM staff and see demonstrations of various NLM products and services, including PubMed, Internet Grateful Med, NLM's Integrated Library System (ILS) and MEDLINEplus. The NLM Online Users' Meeting "Sunrise Seminar" session will be held on Monday, May 17, 1999, 7:30 am - 8:15 am, in Regency Room C. The NLM Update will be held on Monday, May 17, 1999, 10:30 am - 12:00 Noon in the hotel's Grand Ballroom. The DOCLINE: The Next Generation meeting will be held as a Sunrise Seminar on Tuesday, May 18, 1999, 7:30 am - 8:15 am, Columbus Room E-F. Please join us at these events. Any additional information or changes to this information will be announced in the March-April issue of the Technical Bulletin. Index Medicus 1999 Subscriptions and List of Journals Indexed In Index Medicus 1999 Available for OrderThe subscription to the 1999 monthly Index Medicus (IM) is available for order. Included with the IM subscription are the Medical Subject Headings (the Black & White MeSH) and the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus (LJI). The Black & White MeSH and the LJI are available for purchase separately as well. The LJI may also be downloaded free of charge from
Orders may be placed in the following ways: Mail: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 Phone: (Deposit Account, Discover Card, VISA, or MasterCard only) 202-512-1800; Fax: (Deposit Account, VISA, MasterCard, or Federal Government Purchase Order) 202-512-2250 Site: Superintendent of Documents Order Form: [This link was removed because it is no longer valid.] |
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