AVLINE® Update - e2 Gold Standard Search - e3 |
Technical Notes
Corrections to the November-December 1997 NLM Technical Bulletin article titled NLM Classification, 5th Edition, Additions and Changes, List 2The article titled NLM Classification, 5th Edition, Additions and Changes, List 2 as published in the November-December 1997 NLM Technical Bulletin contained the following errata:
Under Additions to the Index:
Correction Policy for the NLM Technical Bulletin on the WebErrata will be handled in the following way for future issues of the Technical Bulletin. When an error is recognized, the original error will be reprinted and the correct data will be given in a Technical Note. Beginning with the January-February 1997 issue (the first issue on the web) the data will be corrected in the article followed by the tag [corrected yyyy/mm/dd]. The title of the original article will contain the following statement [published erratum appears in the NLM Technical Bulletin. yyyy Month-Month;(issue no): document number]. The document number on the NLM Technical Bulletin on the Web will be in the format of e1, e2 and represent a specific article within an issue. Articles will be numbered in the order in which they are made available and usually the Technical Notes will be e1 for any given issue. This numbering of articles begins with January-February 1998 issue; 1997 issues although they appear on the Web were originally published in print and do not have the new electronic pagination convention. This policy is modeled on the way errata are handled in citations in MEDLINE. After an erratum has been corrected, the only remaining record of the incorrect information will be in the Technical Note. There will be links from the Technical Note to the original article and from the article title to the Technical Note. Further Discussion About the Transitioning from ELHILL to PubMed Article[Comment on: NLM Technical Bulletin. 1997 Nov-Dec;(299):5-9] Several readers of the November-December 1997 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin have commented on the search example shown in Figure 5 that contained a very long and detailed search strategy. Many searchers are confronted with translating complicated Automatic SDI searches into a PubMed format. The strategy shown was intentionally complex to illustrate that PubMed can be used to create search strategies as detailed as the one shown in that figure as well as less complex searches such as the one shown in Figures 1 and 2 of that same article. A Gold Standard Search formulated for PubMed is in this issue offering another opportunity to create a search strategy using PubMed's newest search features. Try your hand at constructing a PubMed strategy before you look at the winning submission and the Gold Standard strategy. Other comments questioned the article's suggestion to use a word processor to enter the search query and then using the "cut" and "paste" functions of the word processor to move the strategy over into the PubMed search box. The word processing approach was suggested as one alternative to consider when typing in a complex search strategy, so that any re-typing to correct keyboarding errors would be simplified. The new Details button and subsequent Details box now allow another easy way to edit your searches within PubMed as illustrated in the Gold Standard Search in this issue. NLM staff is striving to make PubMed support the needs of all MEDLINE users. As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please send them to: custserv@nlm.nih.gov. PubMed 2.0 Up on the WebOn Monday, January 26, 1998, PubMed 2.0 became available on the Web. Some of the new and advanced features in this version of PubMed include:
For more information about these and the other new or improved PubMed features you may go to: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/feed/rss.cgi?ChanKey=PubMedNews Please send your PubMed questions and comments to the NLM Help Desk. LSIOU Order InformationThe ordering and pricing information for the List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU) is available the LSIOU may be obtained, free of charge, from the NLM web site at the following address: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lsiou.html This publication may also be ordered from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Questions concerning orders may be directed to NTIS at 800-423-9255. Callers from outside the U.S. or Canada may reach NTIS at 703-487-4650. Questions about standing orders should be directed to the NTIS subscription Section at 703-487-4630. Orders may be placed in the following ways:
If you are concerned about Internet security, you may register your credit card at NTIS by calling 703-487-4682. If you need a paper form to place your order, you may download a pdf file from http://www.ntis.gov/pdf/ordrform.pdf or you may call NTIS at 800-423-9255 to have a form mailed to you.
Hospital and Health Administration IndexThe American Hospital Association (AHA) Resource Center announces the availability of the casebound cumulative 1997 issue (volume 53) and the forthcoming first 1998 issue (volume 54) of Hospital and Health Administration Index (formerly Hospital Literature Index). In 1998 the Index continues to be produced from NLM's HealthSTAR database, formed by merging the HEALTH and HSTAR databases. The Index is the primary printed guide to journal literature on health policy and reform issues, integrated health care, managed care plans, community accountability, health care accessibility, and over 1,400 other administrative and planning topics. The Index cites English-language articles, with emphasis on the United States and developed countries. It is published in three issues, with the third issue an annual cumulation. Ordering information and prices follow.
Further information and order forms are also available from the AHA Resource Center at http://www.aha.org/research/rc/index.shtml Additional Transition Classes added to Online Training ScheduleIn response to an overwhelming demand for the new online class, Making the Transition: Converting to PubMed and Internet Grateful Med to Search NLM's Database, nineteen additional classes were added to the training schedule in early January. Please check the National Online Training Center web site at http://nnlm.gov/ntcc/index.html for further details. 1998 MLA Meeting Reminder and NLM InvitationThe Medical Library Association (MLA) is celebrating its centennial in 1998. The Annual Meeting, using the theme of "Centennial Celebration: Visions of the Future -- Reflections of the Past," will be held at the Philadelphia Marriott in Phildelphia, May 22 - 27. Attendees are invited to come to Island F in the exhibit hall to visit with NLM staff and see demonstrations of various NLM products and services, including PubMed and Internet Grateful Med. The NLM Online Users' Meeting "Sunrise Seminars" session will be held on Monday, May 25, 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. and the NLM Update will be held on Monday, May 25, 10:30 a.m. - Noon. Please join us at both events. Meeting rooms will be announced at a later date. |
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