Technical Notes
Editing and Data Entry Contract Dispute UpdateNLM updated its online announcement on January 16, 1997 as follows: The National Library of Medicine has eliminated its backlog of citations and abstracts to be entered into MEDLINE reported in an alert dated August 27, 1996. As anticipated, this has created a backlog of articles to be indexed but this is being reduced as rapidly as possible. Thank you again for your patience and support. Additional Databases to be Available through Internet Grateful Med (IGM)Internet Grateful Med Version 2.2 can search in MEDLINE, PREMEDLINE, HealthSTAR, and AIDSLINE. The IGM development team is now adding access to several more NLM databases through IGM. AIDSDRUGS, AIDSTRIALS, DIRLINE, OLDMEDLINE, SDILINE, and HISTLINE will be added in Spring 1997 to the list of IGM-searchable databases. MEDLINE will continue to be the default database for Internet Grateful Med. Users may change to another database by selecting the "Search Other Files" action button on the IGM Search Screen. New AIDS Stored StrategiesThis year the strategy used to create the 1997 AIDSLINE database has a new name. In prior years the strategy was named and stored as MEDLARS.AIDS. Users could display the strategy by that name, or invoke that strategy in other bibliographic databases (NOT in AIDSLINE) to retrieve AIDS-related citations. The stored strategy has grown in size over the years. And this year, with the advent of 1997 MeSH terms, the strategy became too large to be processed and had to be split into two stored searches. The new stored search names are: aids1 and aids2. If a user does invoke MEDLARS.AIDS (sn), the system will respond by running the strategies contained in aids1(sn) and aids2 (sn) and ORing them together behind the scenes. So you may continue to use the old name, MEDLARS.AIDS, to retrieve citations. For example, in order to get AIDS-related citations from another MEDLARS database, such as POPLINE, a user can invoke the full AIDS strategy in the following way: USER: file pop PROG: YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED TO THE POPLINE FILE.SOME ITEMS MAY NOT BE IN THE NLM COLLECTION; PLEASE USE SERLINE OR CATLINE FOR AVAILABILITY INFORMATION. SS 1 /C? USER: medlars.aids (sn) PROG: SS (1) PSTG (10953) However if you wish to display the strategies online, you must use the current names (aids1 and aids2) in separate search statements as shown below. If you give the DISPLAY command with MEDLARS.AIDS, the system will respond with the names of the new stored strategies. SS 1 /C? USER: display medlars.aids PROG: SEARCH FORMULATION BEGINNING AT SS 1 : ( AIDS1 (SN) OR AIDS2 (SN) ) NO SUBHEADINGS APPLIED TO ANY SEARCH STATEMENT. SS 1 /C? USER: display aids1 (Actual strategy will display here.) SS 2 /C? USER: display aids2 (Actual strategy will display here.) Please note that you do NOT qualify the stored search name with (SN) when you use the DISPLAY command. Notice the system will not find the search. SS 1 /C? USER: display aids1 (sn) PROG: STORED SEARCH 'AIDS1 SN' CANNOT BE FOUND. DOCUSER Update Schedule ErrataIt was incorrectly reported in the MEDLARS ELHILL Database Update Chart on page 23E of the September-October 1996 Technical Bulletin, that DOCUSER is updated monthly; this file is updated weekly. Pharmacological Action Pre-Explosion UpdateThe following headings were Pharmacological Action (PA) Pre-Explosions in 1996 but are not Pre-Explosions in 1997:
However, these headings do retrieve citations when used in the following ways: unqualified, qualified as (mh), and with the EXPLODE command. The 1996 pre-explosions included narrower terms that are PA Pre-Explosions themselves. If a user would like to perform a similar search for 1997, the following strategy could be used: For a search equivalent to AIR POLLUTANTS (PX) use the following terms ORed together in a single search statement: AIR POLLUTANTS, ENVIRONMENTAL (PX) OR AIR POLLUTANTS, OCCUPATIONAL (MH) OR AIR POLLUTANTS, RADIOACTIVE (PX) OR AIR POLLUTANTS (MH) For a search equivalent to RIOT CONTROL AGENTS, CHEMICAL (PX) use:
New Online Services Reference Manual (OSRM) Chapters AvailableThe following OSRM chapters have been recently made available:
Available Free ElectronicallyUsers who have Internet/ftp capabilities and prefer to download the chapters may do so by connecting to the NLM Home Page (http://www.nlm.nih.gov), selecting More Publications under Our Publications, Publications About Using NLM Programs and Services, [This link was removed because it is no longer valid] Online Services Reference Manual [corrected 1/3/1998]. The updated chapters are available electronically in three formats. Adobe Acrobat pdf; WordPerfect 5.1; and PostScript. Available for Purchase in Printed FormatTo order any of the chapters listed at a cost of $10 per chapter, please send request(s) with a check or credit card number to:
Please include your complete address and phone number. If using a credit card, the order may be faxed to 212-534-7042. Checks must be payable to the New York Academy of Medicine and directed to Mr. Charles Rapisarda's attention. Sorry, no phone orders, purchase orders or invoices. Please direct questions about this service to: notc@nyam.org. LSIOU Order InformationThe ordering and pricing information for the List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU) is available. The LSIOU may be obtained, free of charge, from the NLM web site at the following address: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lsiou.html [corrrected 12/31/1997]. This publication may also be ordered from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Questions concerning orders may be directed to NTIS at 800-423-9255. Callers from outside the U.S. or Canada may reach NTIS at 703-487-4650. Questions about standing orders should be directed to the NTIS Subscription Section at 703-487-4630.
Change in Index Medicus Subject Section Split in 1997The division of the Subject Section alphabet covered in Parts 1 and 2 of Index Medicus was changed. The new split shown below, should help avoid printing problems and make the volumes easier to handle. The volume split for 1997 Index Medicus is:
Hospital and Health Administration Index Order InformationThe American Hospital Association (AHA) Resource Center announces the availability of the casebound cumulative 1996 issue (Volume 52) and the forthcoming first 1997 issue (Volume 53) of Hospital and Health Administration Index (formerly Hospital Literature Index). In 1997 the Index continues to be produced from NLM's HealthSTAR (Health Services Technology, Administration, and Research) database, formed by merging the HEALTH and HSTAR databases. The Index is the primary printed guide to journal literature on hospital and health services administration, financing, and regulation, including health policy and reform, integrated delivery networks, health planning, and health services research. The Index cites English-language articles, with emphasis on the United States and other developed countries, and is published in three issues, with the third issue an annual cumulation. Order numbers and prices follow. For your convenience, two order forms are included as Appendixes A and B of this issue of the Technical Bulletin. One order form is for the 1996 casebound annual cumulation and previous annual volumes and the other is for the 1997 subscription to the Index.
Mail billed orders to:
Mail prepaid orders, with check or money order payable to American Hospital Publishing, Inc. to:
Orders from individuals must be prepaid or charged to a credit card. Checks or money orders should be made payable to AHA Services, Inc. Billed orders must be accompanied by a purchase order number. Mail orders to:
New Class on Using National Center for Health Statistics DataIf you've ever wondered how to navigate the maze of data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), you are invited to attend a special workshop to find out. NLM's National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) in collaboration with the District of Columbia Health Science Information Network (DOCHSIN) will sponsor "Using NCHS Data for Reference and Research" on Wednesday, March 26, 1997 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm at NLM. June Gable, on staff at NCHS, will teach how to locate NCHS data and extract the information from a publication, web site, or raw data (microdata), including the special statistical considerations librarians must communicate to end users who will analyze the data. Participants will explore the NCHS web site and NCHS data sets on CD-ROM, including searching documentation, tabulating, and creating export subsets. To register for this free class, send your name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address to the NICHSR office by e-mail (preferred) to nichsr@nlm.nih.gov, by phone 301-496-0176, or fax 301-402-3193. Registration is limited so please hurry! Free Posters Available from the National Cancer Institute (NCI)Help NCI spread the word about cancer prevention and early detection to your community. Posters are available in both English and Spanish. Please request a list of posters with a description of each from:
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