做好厨房和食堂的衞生(二) (Kitchen and cafeteria hygiene: to cover jars and to separate cooked and raw foods) (2), 1955
做好厨房和食堂的衞生(二) (Kitchen and cafeteria hygiene: to cover jars and to separate cooked and raw foods) (2), author unknown, 1955
This poster provides instruction on cafeteria hygiene such as covering food containers to avoid dust and dirt, washing cleaning cloths separately and constantly, and using separate containers for raw food and cooked food—the same applies to cutting boards and knives, which should be cleaned and washed thoroughly after each use, especially for meat.
About the Book

This poster series made in 1955 specifically for chefs and others working in the food service industry provides detailed instructions on food safety and food preparation methods as well as personal hygiene education.