请不要随地吐痰 (Please Don't Spit on the Ground) ca. 1964
请不要随地吐痰 (Please Don't Spit on the Ground), The Patriotic Health Movement Committee of Tianjin, The Tuberculosis Prevention Institute of Tianjin, and the Tianjin Branch of the National Anti-Tuberculosis Association of China; painted by Liu Yinglin and Wang Yunxiang, ca. 1964
This poster pictures a child to address other children to avoid spitting on the ground. Below are images that instruct citizens to spit in a chamber pot or in a napkin and burn the used napkin on a stove.
About the Book

This anti-TB poster series produced by the Patriotic Health Movement Committee of Tianjin, The Tuberculosis Prevention Institute of Tianjin, and the Tianjin Branch of the National Anti-Tuberculosis Association of China, ca. 1964, teaches people about some of the basic preventative measures to keep from getting ill with TB. Explore the other posters below.