
Zhiyong Lu, PhD
Senior Investigator, Computational Biology BranchDr. Lu is a Senior Investigator and NCBI’s Deputy Director for Literature Search at the National Library of Medicine (NLM). He leads research in Text Mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Machine Learning and also directs the overall R&D efforts to improve search quality and usability in PubMed.
Contact Information
Building 38A, 8600 Rockville Pike MSC 6075 Bethesda, MD 20894
Tel: (301)594-7089
Research Interests
Dr. Lu’s research group is developing data-driven computational methods and software tools, using machine learning and natural language processing, for analyzing and making sense of unstructured text, image, and associated data in biomedicine towards accelerated discovery and better health. Over the years, his research group has developed many novel NLP algorithms and open-source software tools (e.g. PubTator) that are not only top-performers in community-wide challenges but also widely used in many real-world applications. For example, a number of his recent research has been successfully used in PubMed and searched daily by millions of people. His recent publications and talks generally have a focus on the following topics:
- Literature/PubMed Search (e.g. relevance search; author name disambiguation)
- NLP & Text Mining (e.g. entity recognition and information extraction)
- Curation at scale (e.g. automated approaches for speeding up data curation)
- Machine Learning for Healthcare (e.g. deep learning, medical text/image analysis)