Structured Abstracts in MEDLINE Web Resource Page Updated
The Structured Abstracts resource page available from the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®) Web site has been updated. The main change is an updated list of structured abstract labels verified by NLM and the broader category mappings assigned by NLM. This updated list can be downloaded for free from this site which also provides NLM guidelines and other background information to assist licensees or researchers.
The Updated Label List and NLM Category Mappings file contains 1,645 labels: 1,456 original labels (from the 2011 Label List) and 189 new labels. Each label has a corresponding broader NLM Category map, and an indication of whether the label is classed as an "Ending Label" concept. The only change to the original 1,456 label entries is the addition of a timestamp of "|20100629". The new 189 label entries have a timestamp of "|20110825".
Other changes related to the release of the newly updated file of structured abstract labels include:
- Revision of all MEDLINE®, in process, and PubMed-not-MEDLINE citations in PubMed® that contain one or more of the 189 newly verified and mapped labels to reflect the new labels, effective late August 2011.
- Revision of all PubMed citations that are in "as supplied by publisher" status (publisher [sb]), effective September 12.
- Update of the Structured Abstracts FAQ page.

Knecht LS, Mork JG, Ripple AM. Structured Abstracts in MEDLINE Web Resource Page Updated. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Sep-Oct;(382):e7.