What's New for 2007 MeSH®

this article highlights the additions and changes in 2007 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
Overview of Vocabulary Development and Changes for 2007 MeSH
- 494 Descriptors were added for 2007 MeSH
- 99 Descriptor terms were replaced with more up-to-date terminology
- 22 Descriptors were deleted
Totals by Type of Terminology
- 24,357 Descriptors
- 83 Subheadings/Qualifiers
- 164,331 Supplementary Concept Records (SCRs)
New 2007 Descriptors by Tree Category
Anatomy [A] | 23 |
Organisms [B] | 61 |
Diseases [C] | 70 |
Chemicals and Drugs [D] | 255 |
Analytical, Diagnosis and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment [E] | 35 |
Psychiatry and Psychology [F] | 6 |
Biological Sciences [G] | 53 |
Physical Sciences [H] | 7 |
Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena [I] | 3 |
Technology and Food and Beverages [J] | 7 |
Information Science [L] | 1 |
Persons [M] | 1 |
Health Care [N] | 1 |
The total by Tree Category exceeds 494 because some descriptors occur in more than one category.
2007 MeSH is available for downloading from the Web site and can be searched and viewed using the MeSH Browser.
Thirty-one new virus descriptors were added and 27 descriptors were replaced with more up-to-date terminology. Numerous descriptors for specific DNA viruses were added.
Drugs and Chemicals
About half of the new descriptors in 2007 MeSH are drugs or chemicals. Of those, 136 are categorized as amino acids, peptides, and proteins (D12). Many descriptors for apolipoproteins, interleukin receptors, and many specific keratins were added.

Schulman J. What's New for 2007 MeSH. NLM Tech Bull. 2006 Nov-Dec;(353):e2.