Table of Contents: 2013 MAY–JUNE No. 392
WISER for Android 2.0 Now Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2013 May-Jun;(392):b1.
WISER for Android 2.0 is now available and can be installed directly from the Google Play Store. Here's a look at what's new in this release.
WISER now fully integrates content from the Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM) Web site. This integration includes:
Emergency Response Guidebook data is now updated to the ERG 2012; WISER for Android includes a custom ERG 2012 tool.
Coming Soon
Look for these exciting additions in the coming months:
WISER is a system designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. WISER provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment and suppression advice.