[Editor's note: This is a summary of the remarks made at the NLM Online Users' Meeting: DOCLINE Sunrise Seminar, at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 9, 2000.]
s of June 1, 2000, DOCLINE beta release .07 includes all of the major system functions. DOCUSER has been production since October 1999, and SERHOLD was production effective June 9, 2000. Requests and the Loansome Doc Patron list are still in test status. NLM plans to release the new DOCLINE 1.0 on Monday, July 17. The next beta release will be the week of June 19. During the beta period, it is important that users read the release notes, schedule information [This link was removed because it is no longer valid.], and system status [This link was removed because it is no longer valid.], to ensure that they have current information on the system functions that are production as we get closer to the release date for new DOCLINE. In January 2000, NLM began a DOCLINE-L listserv. The purpose of this new listserv is to provide NLM with an easy way to quickly communicate new information and broadcast messages to DOCLINE users in the U.S., Canada and overseas. All DOCLINE users are encouraged to subscribe to the listserv.
There are seven critical path items that need to be completed before NLM can release new DOCLINE 1.0: 1) the new Loansome Doc interface from PubMed; 2) the implementation of the ISO/ILL protocol; 3) online documentation; 4) SERHOLD reports (holdings by library, holdings not updated within one year, holdings outside of publication date, level 2 holdings, and NLM Serial Title Changes); 5) NLM's Relais interface to ensure that NLM can process its interlibrary loan requests; 6) install and test new servers; 7) conduct a system load test.
Transition period
We are now in a transition period. No new DOCLINE applications will be accepted until the new system is available. NLM will announce a firm release date two weeks before the cutover. Test Loansome Doc requests will cease going to new DOCLINE one week before the cutover date. Reminder messages will be issued by NLM through the DOCLINE-L listserv.
What to expect on Day 1 - Old DOCLINE
The cutover will occur over a weekend. On Friday evening, the BORROW function of old DOCLINE will be disabled. After BORROW is disabled, no Loansome Doc requests can be transferred to DOCLINE. Users will need to re-key them into new DOCLINE. All other system functions (RECEIPT, LEND, STATUS, MESSAGE, and CANCEL) will continue to be available in old DOCLINE for approximately 3 - 4 weeks after new DOCLINE 1.0 is released. Users will need to receipt and update all requests made prior to July 14, 2000, in old DOCLINE. Most requests should be completed within 3 - 5 days. Access to old DOCLINE will be discontinued after all requests have been completed, approximately 20 days.
What to expect on Day 1 - New DOCLINE
The new system will be down over the weekend. All test requests will be deleted. Users may begin entering requests when version 1.0 is displayed on the DOCLINE home page.
Getting ready for new DOCLINE
All DOCLINE participants are expected to be ready to use the new system when it is released later this summer. Between now and when the system is released, users should be entering, receipting, and updating test requests. It is important that users update their DOCUSER record, routing table, routing profile, SERHOLD records, and Loansome Doc Patron list. If you need assistance with updating information in new DOCLINE, send an e-mail message to or contact your regional DOCLINE Coordinator.
Following the release of new DOCLINE 1.0, NLM will begin working on the following system enhancements: 1) an express order button to expedite submitting requests; 2) a feature to resubmit retired unfilled requests without re-keying; 3) NLM will make available a public version of DOCUSER through its Web site; 4) a feature to print the entire online manual; 5) NLM will evaluate the feasibility of developing a network billing program; 6) additional SERHOLD reports (holdings by library in MARC 21 format, holdings by library groups, holdings by state/province, batch update of SERHOLD in MARC 21 and OCLCMARC formats).
ISO ILL Protocol
NLM plans to have the ILL protocol available when the new DOCLINE is released. The ILL protocol provides users with the ability to exchange messages (requests) between proprietary systems. This will allow DOCLINE libraries that are using an ILL system that is protocol compliant to send and receive messages from DOCLINE without logging into the system. Additionally, DOCLINE libraries will be able to send messages from DOCLINE to ILL protocol compliant systems. NLM will be testing the ILL protocol with Clio Software, Pigasus Software, Inc., RLIN, and OCLC. Jay Daly has informed his users that QuickDOC will not be ready to communicate with DOCLINE through the Protocol when the new system is released. NLM will test with QuickDOC as soon as Jay Daly is ready.
Loansome Doc
In the new interface, Loansome Doc users will not be able to complete the registration page unless they have the Ordering Library identifier (LIBID). Additionally, Loansome Doc users will be able to store up to four Ordering Libraries in their registration record. If they store more than one Ordering Library, then at the time they send their order, they will be able to select the library to which they want the order sent.
The Loansome Doc Ordering page has been revised to assist users who may have forgotten their userid or password. Users are linked to a Loansome Doc Help page where they may contact NLM's Customer Services Desk. Additionally, a link is provided from the Loansome Doc Ordering page to NLM's Loansome Doc FAQ web page.
[Editor's note: Look for the Questions and Answers that followed these remarks in the July-August 2000 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin.]
By Rosalyn M. Leiderman
Public Services Division
Leiderman R. NLM Online Users' Meetings 2000: DOCLINE - Summary of Remarks. NLM Tech Bull. 2000 May-Jun;(314):e5c.