Table of Contents: 2014 MARCH–APRIL No. 397
Robison R. MedlinePlus Connect Supports ICD-10-CM Requests. NLM Tech Bull. 2014 Mar-Apr;(397):e3.
The National Library of Medicine is pleased to announce that MedlinePlus Connect now supports ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition, Clinical Modification) queries. Upon receiving a problem code request with an ICD-10-CM code, MedlinePlus Connect returns relevant health information from MedlinePlus, Genetics Home Reference, and other reliable health resources. MedlinePlus Connect will continue to deliver targeted responses to ICD-9-CM and SNOMED CT requests as well.
MedlinePlus Connect is an NLM service for patient portals and electronic health record (EHR) systems to link to patient-friendly and context-relevant information. It responds to code-based requests, and delivers information for patients that relates to a specific diagnosis, medication or lab test. Please refer to previous NLM Technical Bulletin articles for more information about MedlinePlus Connect's launch, the addition of lab test response support and a Web service, the integration of Genetics Home Reference content for SNOMED CT requests, and other enhancements.
Please see our documentation pages for information on using ICD-10-CM and other code systems with our Web application or Web service. Also, you can see how MedlinePlus Connect responds to ICD-10-CM codes by using the Web application demonstration page and the Web service demonstration page.
Rex Robison
Reference and Web Services