July 07, 2011 [Editor's note added]
August 25, 2011 [Editor's note added] [Figure replaced]
PubMed Search Terms Bolded
[Editor's note: This feature was modified on August 25, 2011. See below for more details.]
[Editor's note: This feature has also been implemented in the NLM® Catalog and the MeSH® database.]
A bolding feature is now in PubMed® to help users quickly find where their search terms appear in their search results. Search terms are bolded in the Summary display format. The Summary display in Figure 1 was retrieved from a search of cancer. [Editor’s note: As of August 25, 2011 the default bolding feature no longer displays in the Abstract display format.]
[Editor's note: Figure 1 was replaced on August 25, 2011.
Bolded terms include your search terms as well as terms that have been added by PubMed to enhance your search. For example, a search of cancer translates to include the term neoplasms. Use the Search details portlet on your results page to see how searches are enhanced (see Figure 2). PubMed also bolds words or phrases retrieved by a truncated term, and bolds all terms searched as a phrase.
This new feature is the default for all users. You still have the option to sign into My NCBI and change your Highlighting Preferences in My NCBI.

PubMed Search Terms Bolded. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Jul-Aug;(381):e1.